05 September 2009

Just finished another type #11 - Ironwood handle!

Hokay! I just finished another type #11, and this one is actually not on order for somebody. Very unusual for me that I was able to find the time in between orders to make an extra.
This one has an ironwood handle, and the usual CPM154 steel. However, I did choose to install black micarta pins instead of the stainless fasteners used in the others.
I'm making the sheath right now; it will be a natural color and hot wax/oil dipped. That ought to be real pretty with the ironwood handles. BTW, you know how working with wood always smells kinda nice? Try ironwood... makes you wish for blocked sinuses. Don't worry, the finished knife won't stink- the handle is sealed with pure carnuba wax.
To give you an idea just how tough CPM154 is:
The optimum working hardness for a blade made of 440C would fall about 55-58 Rc. CPM154 is usually going to run 59-61 Rc. So right off the bat, it's going to have a much harder (and longer lasting) edge. This one (61 Rc) was a real chore to sharpen the first time. I broke the edge in using a new 600 grit belt, then started sharpening. Three hours later, I had a scary sharp edge. THREE HOURS.
Leave me your e-mail in the comments if you feel like you can't live without this knife, and I'll do my best to sooth your troubled spirit.

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